
My engineering background has led me to appreciate architecture for its duality as both an expression of an artist's ego, and a functional, high-tech structure.

Having lived and worked in a high-rise for most of my life, I also understand society in a high-rise, and recognize that our shift from rural to dense urban environs has led to a change in our collective psyche.

30 Hudson St
30 Hudson St
100 John St
100 John St
Hearst Tower
Hearst Tower
55 Water Street
55 Water Street
Chicago Marriott Downtown
Chicago Marriott Downtown
Aon Tower
Aon Tower
Embarcadero Center
Embarcadero Center
375 Pearl Street
375 Pearl Street
30 Hudson St
100 John St
Hearst Tower
55 Water Street
Chicago Marriott Downtown
Aon Tower
Embarcadero Center
375 Pearl Street

My engineering background has led me to appreciate architecture for its duality as both an expression of an artist's ego, and a functional, high-tech structure.

Having lived and worked in a high-rise for most of my life, I also understand society in a high-rise, and recognize that our shift from rural to dense urban environs has led to a change in our collective psyche.

30 Hudson St
100 John St
Hearst Tower
55 Water Street
Chicago Marriott Downtown
Aon Tower
Embarcadero Center
375 Pearl Street
show thumbnails